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Some of the benefits of watermelon rind include its ability to strengthen the immune system with the presence of Vitamin C, lower blood pressure due to the presence of potassium,  improve the skin with its antioxidants, help in weight loss with its fibre content and ensure a safe pregnancy due to the natural sugars found in the rind, which can help to minimize symptoms of morning sickness and the high potassium content helps with the swelling associated with pregnancy.



This chutney could pass off as the traditional tomato chutney served with dosas. It’s a chutney for those who do not like coconut. Adding 2-3 sprigs of fresh green coriander gives it another dimension, though if you want to retain the red colour of the tomato, don’t add the coriander. Along with the watermelon rind, it also has the benefits of flax and chia seeds.


Watermelon Rind Chutney with Tomato

Ingredients ~

1 cup watermelon rind

1 medium tomato

1 sprig curry leaves

1/2 inch fresh ginger

1 tbsp tamarind paste

1 tbsp white urad daal

1 tsp flax seeds

1 tsp chia seeds

2 dry red chillies

Method ~

  1. Chop the watermelon rind, tomato and ginger finely.
  2. In a frying pan add the oil and heat. Add the white urad daal, dry red chilli, till the daal turns golden brown and fragrant.
  3. Add the flax and chia seeds and saute together.
  4. Add the chopped watermelon rind, tomato and ginger and cook covered for about five minutes.
  5. Add salt and cook till the tomato and watermelon rind is soft.
  6. Cool and grind to a smooth paste in a mixer grinder.

Serve with watermelon rind dosa, watermelon rind instant dosa or with any meal of your choice.


This article is by Shivani Khanna

All pictures are personal images of Sttudio 292


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